Macbeth Quiz

1. With what country is Scotland engaged in a war with at the beginning of the play?

2. What is Macbeth’s title at the beginning of Act I?

3. Who encounters the Three Witches in Act I Scene III?

4. What are the three titles prophesied to Macbeth? What is prophesied to Banquo?

5. Who is next in line of succession to the Scotland throne?

6. What is the name of Macbeth’s castle?

7. What is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s plan for when Duncan comes to Macbeth’s castle?

8. Why won’t Lady Macbeth kill Duncan on her own?

9. Name two things Macbeth hallucinates before and after he kills Duncan. (Hint: one is an image, another a voice.)

10. Where and why do Malcolm and Donalbain flee?

11. Why does Macbeth fear Banquo? What is his plan to deal with this?

12. How have the murderers failed Macbeth? How does their admission of what happened effect Macbeth?

13. What does Macbeth decide to do at the end of Act III?

14.  What are the three apparitions that appear to Macbeth and what are their prophecies to him/

15. Who does Macbeth decide to kill after he meets with the Witches/

16.  Where does Malcolm go and why? How does his wife feel he has abandoned his own family?

17. What is the Gentlewoman’s accusation of Lady Macbeth to the Doctor?

18. How do Lady Macbeth’s actions represent her guilt?

19. How is Macbeth defined by the enemy leaders? What examples do they use to support it?

20.  Why does Macbeth not even react after a woman’s shriek is heard?

21. How do two of the Witches’ prophecies come true?

22. What is the point of the English soldiers cutting down branches and putting it in front of them?

23. What does Hecate say is a human’s chief enemy? How is this an example through Macbeth?

24.  Who takes over after Macbeth is killed?

25. How does Macbeth relate life to performing on a stage?

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