The Selling of a Soul


Some scary sisters did tell me today

That fame and fortune are coming my way.

I will be monarch, but there’s one small thing:

Methinks this means I must murder the king.

For power and prestige I passionately pine

But it’s best for my conscience if I stay benign.

I fear that my manhood is too incomplete

For me to fulfill this flagitious feat.


I am Lucifer, and I can offer some aid.

With my tactful tips, you’ll soon have it made.

And as for your conscience, put it to bed.

You’ll feel no dread once Duncan is dead.


So Satan suggests that I seek supremacy,

But I worry it’ll be a worthless ascendancy.

The witches who foretold my rise to the throne,

Also said Banquo’s sons would make it their own.


Heed not the words of those mad magicians.

Do not let them thwart your ambitions.

Compared to my wisdom, those witches are quacks.

Just erase Banquo’s son with a sneak attack.

My will is too weak, my mettle too meek.

Upon my psyche, havoc shall be wreaked.

Like a faulty faucet, my guilt will leak.

I’ll hear ghosts talking when no one does speak.


Nonsense, Macbeth, your mind will endure.

You’ll feel no regret, of that I am sure.

This is your only real chance to be great.

Or else, you’ll die bitter, full of self-hate.


I’m coming to conceive that killing’s no crime.

For there’s no other way the throne can be climbed.

This murder is feeling much more appealing.

Let’s get down to some wheeling and dealing.


Indeed, Macbeth, you’re as wise as they say.

You’ve picked the best of the choices you’ve weighed.

Do as I say, and I’ll unlock your dream:

A powerful, long-lived, Macbeth-run regime.

Here is my offer, to leave or to take.

Passing this up would be a mistake.

I’ll give you kingship, and world domination.

All I want is your soul, quite a measly donation.

This may hurt my conscience, but I can’t resist.

I desire to dictate with an iron fist.

I’ll take the crown, and you take my soul.

I doubt it will leave too big of a hole


The deal is done, now I’ll have your spirit

To take Duncan’s crown, you’ll have to spear him.

And be proactive against Banquo’s bloke.

Kill him, lest your throne be quickly revoke

Thank you, sir Satan, for the sound advice.

For the glory you give me, my soul’s a small price.

There’s a monarch to murder, a sultan to slay.

Goodbye, I’ll waste Duncan by the end of this day.


There goes Macbeth’s chance of salvation.

He’ll be with me in eternal damnation.

Thank you for shopping, do come again.

There’s always more room for miserable men.